fbpx Micro-credential certification in Psychological Assessment & Psychometric (MEd (Coursework)) ** | Africa Open Learning

This course introduces the educational and psychometric theory, method, and application of psychological testing.

To some extent, students will possess the knowledge to assist professionals in administering assessment instruments and collecting assessment data.

** indicates that these programmes will be offered soon

Programme Fee 

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the Africa Open Learning Platform. 

Endorsement & Recognition: 

This programme is recognized and endorsed by the Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA), established under the Seychelles Qualifications Authority Act of 2005. 

Entry Requirements: 
Entry Requirements - No 
Age Experience - 23 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes 
Numeracy Proficiency - No 
Prerequisites - No
  1. Critically discuss new developments, ethical considerations, and controversies associated with psychological testing. 
  2. Able to assess various psychometric concepts (i.e. reliability and validity) related to tests and test construction
  3. Able to demonstrates skills related to the critical evaluation of tests and assessment instruments
  4. Able to apply relevant psychological assessments and psychometrics to the required practices and measurement of personality
Psychometric Testing Assignment - 40%
Small scale research - 60%
Credit Transfer: 
Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certification in Psychological Assessment & Psychometric (MEd (Coursework)), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):
  1. Master of Education (Coursework)
Continuing Education: 

Upon successful completion of this Master of Education (Coursework) programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):

  1. Doctor of Philosophy (Education)
Career Opportunities: 
  • Psychometrician
  • Assessment Specialist
  • Research Scientist
  • Educational Assessment Coordinator
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Data Analyst
  • Consultant