fbpx Micro-credential certification in Product Innovation and Management/Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence ENT4064/BIS4044 (DIBA) | Africa Open Learning

Innovation and development of new products and services are essential for the success of any organization. At the same time, designing and launching new products is risky. Managing the new product development therefore involves identifying new product ideas that have great potential and lowering the risk of their failure. This course discusses the stages in the new product development process and avenues for making the process more productive. 

Note: Subject relates to Diploma in Business Administration

Programme Fee

Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the Africa Open Learning Platform. 

Endorsement & Recognition: 

This programme is recognized and endorsed by the Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA), established under the Seychelles Qualifications Authority Act of 2005. 

Business & Accounting
  1. The Organisational Setting
  2. Approaches to Organisation and Management
  3. The Organisational Environment
  4. Individual Differences and Diversity
  5. Perception and Communication
  6. Working in Group and Teams
  7. Leadership in Organisation     
  8. Understanding Management
  9. Organisation Structure and Design
  10. Organisation Control and Power
  11. Strategy, Corporate Responsibility and Ethics
  12. Organizational Culture and Change
  13. Organisational Performance and Development
  14. Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction

Assignment 1 - 30% 
Assignment 2 - 30% 
Final Examination - 40% 

Credit Transfer: 
Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certification in Product Innovation and Management/Big Data Analytics and Business Intelligence (DIBA), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):
  1. Diploma in Business Administration
Continuing Education: 

Upon successful completion of this Diploma in Business Administration programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):

  1. Bachelor of Accounting & Finance (BAF)
  2. Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)
Career Opportunities: 

Product innovation and management/ big data analytics and business intelligence – Product manager/ Innovation manager/ Data Analytic Manager