fbpx Micro-credential certification in Introduction to Mass Communication KMC2093 (DMC) ** | Africa Open Learning
The course aims to introduce students the various means by which individuals and society communicate and share information to large segments of the population all at once through the mass media. Students will have a good basic knowledge and understanding of the theories and effects of mass communication to society. Students will be expected to recognise a range of advertising, broadcasting, public relations and journalism tactics that make use of the potential influence of mass communications.
** indicates that these programmes will be offered soon
Programme Fee
Awarding Body: 

This programme is designed, delivered, assessed and awarded by SEGi University through the Africa Open Learning Platform. 

Endorsement & Recognition: 

This programme is recognized and endorsed by the Seychelles Qualifications Authority (SQA), established under the Seychelles Qualifications Authority Act of 2005. 

Communication Studies
Entry Requirements: 

Age Experience - 18 Years Above 
Language Proficiency - Yes
Pre-requisites - No

Note: To enter the Diploma In Mass Communication programme's (Pathway) applicants will need to have the following pre-requisites:


i. A pass in senior high school or its equivalent with a minimum of Grade C (GP 2.00) in any 3 subjects and a credit in English at O level or its equivalent;           

ii. A pass in SKM level 3 and pass senior high school with a credit in English

iii Certificate or its equivalent and a credit in English.

iv A Certificate in Media and Communication or its equivalent

  1. Course Overview & Assignment Brief
    1. Introduction to the Media  & Communication                                                             
    2. Mass Communication, Culture & Media Literacy
  2. Understanding Mass Communication 
    1. Mass Communication Theories & Effects
    2. Convergence & Reshaping of Mass Communication"
  3. Print Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Books & Magazines 
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  4. Print Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Newspaper
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  5. Broadcast Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Radio/Audio/Popular Music
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  6. Broadcast Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Television & Cable TV
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  7. Motion Picture (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Films/Movies
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  8. Other Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. Mobile Video/Video Games
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  9. New Media (The Media, Media Industries & Media Audience)
    1. The Internet & Social Media
      1. History & Development
      2. Case studies & current issues 
  10. Strategic Communication & Industry 
    1. Public Relations, Advertising & Journalism
      1. History & Development
      2. Case Studies & Current Issues

Assignment - 70%
Final Exam - 30%

Credit Transfer: 

Upon successful completion of this Micro-credential certification in Introduction to Mass Communication (DMC), students will be able to transfer grades and credits into the following programme(s):

  1. Diploma in Mass Communication
Continuing Education: 
Upon successful completion of this Diploma in Mass Communication programme and meeting the necessary entry requirements, students will be able to progress into the following programme(s):
  1. Bachelor of Mass Communication (Hons)
Career Opportunities: 

Content Writer, Digital Marketing Specialist, Creative Writer, Copywriter